Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Aston Koh week 2 reflections

(1) What is our topic?

Our topic is to find out other ways of producing electricity . If one day , electricity runs out , what are we going to do when we do not have electricity . We will create a potato which will work and give us energy to power something small like a light .

(2) What do I already know about the topic?

I know that we will need a quite a lot of potatoes to support a a light like a battery
So if we are to support something bigger we wold need much more potatoes .

(3) What are the questions I want to ask about this topic? 

What is the exact amount I need to make a light work ? How long will the potatoes last ? 

(4) What are the subjects/skills I can make use of?
We are likely to need a two end clip to connect the potato to the power of the light which is learn in science and skills like observation and the amount of light given out due to the amount of potatoes .

(5) Where can I go to find information for our project? 

We can find more information on the Internet and some books . 

(6) What do I want to prepare to tell others about our project? 

The project will be very environmental friendly so we will try not to use anything that requires energy in our experiment .

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